1. St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
The relationship between the height of filling of test tubes with blood and quantitative indicators of platelet plasma obtained by centrifugation was studied on blood samples of Wistar rats. The test tube filling height of 6.0 cm and 3.0 cm was chosen as the comparison criteria. In combination with another criterion, such as the volume of blood placed in a test tube, a total of four (4) variants of platelet plasma production were investigated and analyzed. In the first variant (No. 1), the tubes contained 4.0 ml of blood, the height of filling the tubes was 6.0 cm. In the second variant (No. 2), the tubes contained 2.0 ml of blood, the filling height of the tubes was 3.0 cm. In the third variant (No. 3), insulin syringes were used, which contained 1.0 ml of blood, their filling height was 6.0 cm. In the fourth variant (No. 4), insulin syringes were also used, which contained 0.5 ml of blood, their filling height was 3.0 cm. All test tubes/syringes were centrifuged in the same mode (3000 rpm – 1.0 min + 1000 rpm – 10.0 min) on an OPN-3 centrifuge with a bucket rotor. Further, the concentration of platelets in the separated plasma was immediately determined at different distances from the upper layer of the erythrocyte sediment. Then the plasma was completely sampled, the platelet concentration and its volume were determined. The results were processed by methods of variational statistics. Analysis of the results showed that in variants No. 1 and No. 3, the concentration of platelets in the resulting plasma was almost 30% and 10% higher than in variants No. 2 and No. 4, respectively. Considering that the total amount of plasma obtained, expressed as a percentage relative to the initial amount of blood, was approximately the same in all variants, it can be concluded that a higher level of filling of test tubes with blood before centrifugation makes it possible to obtain plasma more saturated with platelets.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
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