Comparative analysis of repellent products for dogs in the conditions of farms of the Ararat valley of Armenia


Slobodyanik B. I.1,Zykova S. S.2,Lunegov A. M.1ORCID,Dubkov Yu. A.3


1. St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

2. Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

3. Military unit 55056


The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the clinical efficacy of repellent agents in various forms in the climatic and natural conditions of the Ararat Valley of the Republic of Armenia, during the period of maximum seasonal and daily activity of blood-sucking diptera insects. In the period from June 14 to June 19, 2023, the repellent effect of the veterinary medicinal product RolfClub 3D (RolfClub 3D), in the form of drops on the withers for dogs, and the repellent collar Francodex against insects was studied. The experiment involved 38 clinically healthy dogs aged 1 to 10 years, of both sexes. During the examination of animals, we did not register any complications in the form of inflammatory processes on the skin and the general condition of the studied animals after the use of the funds. In the recommended doses in dogs, the drug did not cause undesirable side effects, specific toxic effects and effects on the central nervous system. The experiment confirmed the repellent effect of veterinary drugs in the form of drops on the withers of RolfClub 3D and a Francodex insect collar applied to dogs individually, once, during the prevention of bites of diptera flying insects according to the presented doses, rules and application techniques, showed high efficiency of the repellent effect in the conditions of farms of the Ararat Valley for 3 days.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

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