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2. Okhrimyuk, K.D. Features of adaptation mechanisms of individual representatives of mammals / K.D. Okhrimyuk, K.A. Sidorova, N.I. Akhshiyatova // Achievements of youth science for the agro-industrial complex. Collection of materials of the LVI scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists. ̶ 2022. Pp. 147-150.
3. Balabanova, O.A. Clinical justification of therapeutic measures for calicivirus infection of cats / O.A. Balabanova, K.A.Sidorova, O.A.Dragich, N.A.Tatarnikova // Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences. - 2022.– No. 6.– pp. 181-184.
4. Sidorova K.A., Some therapeutic techniques for cardiomyopathies of dogs / K.A. Sidorova, N.A. Tatarnikova // APK: innovative technologies. – 2020. – No. 3. – pp. 35-39.
5. Cherepanov, D.V. Radiographic examination of the lungs in cats in the geriatric period with breast neoplasia. A special case / D.V. Cherepanov N.A. Tatarnikova K.A.Sidorova // Bulletin of the Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V.R. Filippov. – 2021. – № 4 (65). – Pp. 207-212.