Clinical studies of the repellent effectiveness of the new veterinary drug Okvet


Slobodyanik R. V.1,Zykova S. S.2,Lunegov A. M.1,Engasheva E. S.3


1. St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

2. Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

3. All Russian Rescarch Institute of Veterinary Sanitarion, Gygiene and Ecology – branch of the FSBSI FRC VIEV of RAS


Mosquitoes are one of the most common dipteran insects and are carriers of dangerous vector-borne diseases. An important role of reservoirs of ectoparasites belongs to dogs. The domestic dog is close to the person. The problem of maintaining the health of the dog and reducing the risk of human infection in conditions of high density of blood-sucking insects can be solved by the use of repellent sprays for animals. Recently, synthetic pyrethroids have been used as effective insecticides. We have conducted clinical studies to study the effectiveness of the repellent action of the new veterinary drug "Okvet" insect-acaricidal spray on dogs. The use of the spray was carried out during the period of mosquito activity, depending on the time of day in the Republic of Armenia. The study involved 22 clinically healthy dogs aged 1.5 to 9 years of both sexes. According to the results of clinical studies, it was found that the repellent effect of the veterinary drug "Okvet" applied to dogs individually, once, while preventing bites of dipterous flying insects according to the presented doses, rules and application techniques, the drug "Okvet" showed a high efficiency of the repellent effect in the conditions of farms in Ararat area within 3 days. During the physical examination, no side effects from the use of the drug "Okvet" were revealed. 


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

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