Information provision of access to innovation infrastructure


Samorodov Artem1


1. PhD, Research Assistant of Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of NALS of Ukraine


Problem setting. Effective innovative development of the state is impossible without ensuring the proper functioning of innovation infrastructure and innovation processes. In turn, the innovation infrastructure must be accessible to users and have the ability to meet both logistical and information needs. In this aspect, an important issue that will be considered in this article is to ensure free access of participants in the innovation process to the established network of information and communication interaction and assistance. Analysis of recent researches and publications. V.V. Maloyvan, T.V. Pisarenko, T.K. Kvasha, N.V. Bereznyak, O.V. Prudka, S.V. Glibko, O.V. Rozgon, Yu. V. Georgievsky, Yu. V. Pasmor and O.M. Petukhova studied the issue of information support for access to innovation infrastructure. Target of research is to analyze the legal regulation of information support for access to innovation infrastructure; identification of existing problems and possible ways to solve them in order to increase the efficiency of the national innovation infrastructure. Article’s main body. The article discusses the state of information support of the National Innovation Infrastructure. The current legislation and powers of state authorities and other subjects of the innovation process in the field of information support are analyzed. Examples of information and communication provision of innovative infrastructure are considered. Conclusions are drawn regarding possible ways to increase the efficiency of the national innovation infrastructure. It is expedient to recognize the information and communication support of the innovation infrastructure as a necessary precondition for increasing the economic and scientific potential of the state. Innovation and investment actors seeking to increase their productivity need to navigate large amounts of information to make the most appropriate and justified decisions. This increases the importance of information and communication centers, platforms and other entities that can offer customers structured, relevant, verified and accessible information gathered in one place. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Particular attention should be paid to the need for the state to encourage the exchange of information at the regional and sectoral levels, which can be achieved by strengthening the role of local governments in providing local and regional innovation infrastructures (both by changing legislation and by conducting information campaigns and communication platforms); as well as by encouraging universities to more actively interact with society and business.


Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development


Pharmacology (medical)

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