High-Risk Multiple Myeloma: Integrated Clinical and Omics Approach Dissects the Neoplastic Clone and the Tumor Microenvironment


Solimando Antonio Giovanni,Da Vià Matteo ClaudioORCID,Cicco Sebastiano,Leone PatriziaORCID,Di Lernia Giuseppe,Giannico Donato,Desantis Vanessa,Frassanito Maria Antonia,Morizio Arcangelo,Delgado Tascon Julia,Ranieri Giuseppe,Ria RobertoORCID,Rasche Leo,Kortüm K. Martin,Beilhack Andreas,Racanelli VitoORCID,Vacca Angelo,Einsele Hermann


Multiple myeloma (MM) is a genetically heterogenous disease that includes a subgroup of 10-15% of patients facing dismal survival despite most intensive treatment. The aim of this review article is to provide an integrated clinical and biological overview on the high-risk MM discussing the novel therapeutic perspectives aimed to target the neoplastic clone and its microenvironment. The dissection of the molecular determinants of the aggressive phenotypes and drug resistance can foster a better tailored clinical management of high-risk profile and refractoriness to therapy. Among the current clinical difficulties in MM, patient’s management manipulating the tumor niche represents a major challenge given the limited knowledge about the MM-milieu interaction. The angiogenesis and bystander infiltrate constitute pivotal mechanisms of mutual collaboration between MM and the non-tumoral counterpart. Immuno-modulatory and anti-angiogenic therapy hold great efficacy but variable and unpredictable responses in high-risk MM. Therefore, it would be worth to better select the population and the MM stage that could profit to a dual immune/vasculogenesis targeting. The comprehensive knowledge of the genetic heterogeneity and MM high-risk ecosystem enforce a systematic bench-to-bedside approach. Despite significant improvements in the biology knowledge, MM is still a chronic and incurable neoplasia and therapeutic options able to overcome the relapsing/refractory behavior represent an unmet clinical need. Here, we corroborate previous biological findings providing a synthetic outlook of novel druggable targets. We also summarize the existing multi-omics-based risk profiling tools, in order to better personalize the patient-oriented clinical management.










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