Diffusion of Power in Ottoman Iraq: Shebāna Regiments as a State Instrument in Politics of Centralization


Kurt Burcu


With the advent of the Tanzimat reforms, the theme of centralization put its mark on the domestic policies of the Ottoman Empire in which the state apparatus of the Empire had reconsolidated its power within the provinces. Considering the struggle between centre and periphery, this article particularly aims to focus on Shebāna Regiments which were an important instrument of establishing central authority in Ottoman Iraq. On the basis that the Shebāna Regiments, as paramilitary forces, were founded on a basis of obedience to state apparatus, this article suggests that the Shebāna Regiments were the earliest version of the village guard system, rather than the Hamidiye Cavalries as claimed in earlier literature. In these terms, by emphasizing the structure, variable functions, and the socio-economic transition the Shebāna Regiments created in the region, this article aims to contribute in shedding light both on the centreperiphery relation in the early Ottoman period, and on the origins of the village guard system of the present.


Turk Tarih Kurumu


History,Cultural Studies

Reference137 articles.

1. See. O. Altay, Hamidiye Alaylarından Köy Koruculuğuna, İstanbul: Medya Güneşi Yayınları, 1992, p. 53- 151; J. Klein, The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011; J. Klein, “Çevreyi İdare Etmek: Osmanlı Devleti ve Hamidiye Alayları”, Türkiye’de Ordu, Devlet ve Güvenlik Siyaseti (eds. E. B. Paker, İ. Akça), İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2010, p. 105-24; E. B. Paker, İ. Akça, “Askerler, Köylüler ve Paramiliter Güçler: Türkiye’de Köy Koruculuğu Sistemi”, Toplum ve Bilim, 126 (2013), p. 7-34; M. van Bruinessen, “Kürtler, Devletler ve Aşiretler”, Aşiretler ve İktidar: Ortadoğu’da Etnisite ve Milliyetçilik (eds. F. A. Jabar, H. Dawod), İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013, p. 166-70; Murat Gökhan Dalyan, Bir Osmanlı İç Güvenlik Teşkilatı: Kır Serdarlığı, İstanbul: Kitabevi, 2016.

2. For further information on Hamidiye Cavalry Regiments see. Klein, The Margins of Empire; Klein, “Çevreyi İdare Etmek: Osmanlı Devleti ve Hamidiye Alayları”, p. 105-24; M. van Bruinessen, “Kürtler, Devletler ve Aşiretler”, p. 166-70; Altay, Hamidiye Alaylarından Köy Koruculuğuna, p. 53-151.

3. Cf. n. 56.

4. N. Özbek, “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İç Güvenlik, Siyaset ve Devlet, 1876-1909”, Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16 (2004), p. 72.

5. Y. Köksal, “Sosyal Kontrol Sistemleri: 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Devlet-Toplum İlişkileri”, Tarihsel Sosyoloji: Stratejiler, Sorunsallar ve Paradigmalar (eds. F. Ergut, A. Uysal), Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları, 2007, p. 117-118, 125-26.








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