1. The Postcolonial Arabic Novel
2. Richard van Leeuwen, (2021), "The Thousand and One Nights and Twentieth-Century Fiction", Intertextual Readings, Leiden: Brill press.
3. Anwar Medhat, Rozan, (2013), Women's Drama in theatre of Maysoon Hanna, (Edition: No), Amman: Dar Ghaida Publishing and Distribution.
4. Bouazza, Muhammad, (2010), Narrative Text Analysis, Algerian Difference Publications, (Edition: 1th), Beirut: Dar Al Arabiya for Science Publishers.
5. Bourayo, Abdel Hamid, (2013), The semiotic analysis of the narrative discourse, a study of the tales of the Thousand and One Nights, (Edition: No), Algeria: Dar Al-Gharb for Publishing and Distribution.