1. Alekseev, A.V. (1981) Materials on the morphology and taxonomy of the larvae of jewel-beetles genus Sphenoptera Sol. (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Voprosy obstschei entomologii, 63, 76–78 [In Russian].
2. Alekseev, A.V., Zykov, I.E. & Soyunov, O.S. (1990) New material on the larvae of Sphenoptera Sol. (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) from the deserts of Transcaucasia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Trudy Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR. Seriya biologicheskih nauk, 3, 30–38 [In Russian].
3. Bellamy, C.L. (2008) A world catalogue and bibliography of the jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Vol. 3 Buprestinae: Pterobothrini through Agrilinae: Rhaeboscelina. Pensoft Ser faun no. 78 Pensoft Publications. Sofia, Moscow 671, 1261–1931.
4. Davies, C.E., Moss, D. & Hill, M.O. (2004) EUNIS Habitat classification revised. European Environment Agency, European Topic Centre on Nature Protection and Biodiversity. 310 pp.
5. Fayvush, G.M. & Aleksanyan, A.S. (2016) Habitats of Armenia. NAS RA, Institute of Botany, Yerevan, 360 pp. (in Russian with partly parallel English text).