Saghi Razieh,Saghi Davoud Ali, ,
Reference55 articles.
1. Comparison of three nonlinear and spline regression models for describing chicken growth curves
2. Effect of long-term divergent selection on growth characteristics in Japanese quail
3. Modelling the effect of nutritional status on pre-asymptotic and relative growth rates in a random-bred chicken population
4. Akbas, Y. and I. Oguz. 1998. Growth curve parameters of lines of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), unselected and selected for four-week bodyweight. European Poultry Science, 62: 104-109.
5. Akbas, Y. and E. Yaylak. 2000. Heritability estimates of growth curve parameters and genetic correlations between the growth curve parameters and weights at different age of Japanese quail. Archiv Geflügelkunde, 64(4): 141-146.