Analysis of Radial Growth Dynamics of Pinus Nigra Subsp. Pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe in Different Parts of the Slope Profile


Lisetsii F. N.1ORCID,Kalugina S. V.2ORCID,Polshina M. A.3ORCID


1. Belgorod State National Research University

2. Belgorod State National  Research University

3. Belgorod State National Research  University; Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow  Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


The results of the research of radial growth of Pinus nigra trees growing in the foothill-forest-steppe zone (in Belogorosk district) with continental climate type of the Crimean Peninsula are presented. The research was con[1]ducted to evaluate the influence of the location of the growth site on the local slope on the total width of the annual ring. Geomorphologically, the sampling points were located along the profile of a gentle convex slope of eastern exposure. Wood samples were collected at sites within the lower, middle and watershed parts of the slope, as well as at the top of the Biyuk-Karasu River watershed. Generalised tree-ring chronologies were obtained for each part of the slope, the average age of the chronologies being 50 years. As a result of the research, a synchronism in growth dynamics of trees growing in the lower part of the slope and in the watershed was established; the radial growth of Pinus nigra trees in the middle parts of the slope reacts the earliest to the influence of environmental factors. The reaction lag of radial growth in the watershed part of the slope is about 11 years. Analysis of the constructed chronologies shows that over the past 50 years, the radial growth is comparable to the dynamics of meteorological parameters. The analysis of correlations of the obtained chronologies with the values of average monthly air temperatures and annual precipitation according to the data of the Simferopol meteorological station was carried out. For the lower and middle parts of the slope, as well as for the watershed, the amount of precipitation is more significant than air temperature. Correlations have been established between the radial growth index of the lower and middle parts of the slope, as well as watershed and the sum of precipitation in May, and the summer months of both the current and previous years. For Pinusnigra trees growing on the watershed parts of the slope, air temperatures of summer months of the current and previous year are more significant. The established close relationship can be used to reconstruct climatic conditions of Pinus nigra trees.


Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

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