Creation of a bioresource collection of berry plants on the basis of Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


Makarov S. S.1ORCID,Chudetsky А. I.1ORCID,Sakhonenko А. N.1,Solovyov А. V.1ORCID,Akhmetova L. R.1,Demidova А. Р.1,Kondratenko Yu. I.1


1. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


The article presents the results of work on the formation of a bioresource collection of berry plants of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy based on a variety testing area of forest berry plants and a collection of species of the Dendrological Garden named after R.I. Schroeder. The variety testing area includes berry plants of the genera Vaccinium (V. corymbosum – 8 species; V. angustifolium – 4 species; V. corymbosum × V. angustifolium – 3 species; V. oxycoccos – 2 species; V macrocarpon – 3 species; V. vitis-idaea – 4 species) and Rubus (R. arcticus – 9 species; R. chamaemorus – 1 species). Introduced berry plants with edible fruits from the 24 genera are mainly represented in the collection of the Dendrological Garden named after R.I. Schroeder: Actinidia (4 species), Amelanchier (5 species), Aronia (2 species), Berberis (2 edible species), Cornus (2 species), Crataegus (more than 10 species), Elaeagnus (2 species), Fragaria (2 species), Hippophae (1 species), Lonicera (1 edible species), Mahonia (1 species), Morus (2 species), Prunus (13 species), Ribes (4 species), Rosa (6 edible species), Rubus (6 species), Sambucus (1 edible species), Schisandra (1 species), Shepherdia (1 species), Sorbus (more than 10 more than 10 species and a number of cultivars and a number of cultivars), Vaccinium (wild forms of 5 species), more than 5 species), Vitis (3 species). All plants included in the bioresource collection have nutritional and medicinal value and are quite stable in growth, development and fructification in the Moscow microclimate. Work has begun on the creation of an in vitro genetic bank of economically valuable, rare and difficult to propagate species, varieties and forms of berry plants. The aim is to maintain a bioresource collection, preserve biological diversity and accelerate the cultivation of planting material with subsequent fruit production under conditions of import substitution.


Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

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