1. Ivanov A.A., Polyakova E.P., Ksenofontov D.A. Experimental validation of the role of chyme structuring and other chyme characteristics in determining gastrointestinal functionality during enteral feeding. Eksperimental’naya i klinicheskaya gastroenterologiya. 2009; 6: 51-56. (In Rus.)
2. Ivanov A.A., Polyakova E.P., Ksenofontov D.A., Ksenofontova A.A. Experimental validation of the functional relationship between mineral elements in the diet and the cavitary mucosa and intestinal mucosa. Eksperimental’naya i klinicheskaya gastroenterologiya. 2013; 2: 37-41. (In Rus.)
3. Ivanov A.A., Il’yashenko A.N. Growth, development and skeletal formation of broiler chickens with the inclusion of mineral exchange cofactors in the diet. Izvestiya TSKhA. 2022: 114-130. (In Rus.)
4. Ksenofontov D.A. Structural and functional organization of the gastro-enteric environment and its role in mineral metabolism in animals: DCs (bio) thesis abstract. Moscow: RGAU-MSKhA im. K.A. Timiryazeva, 2022: 39. (In Rus.)
5. Ksenofontov D.A., Polyakova E.P., Barbosova M.E. Absorption of amino acids, calcium and manganese in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract in chickens as a function of dietary manganese levels. Problemy biologii v zhivotnovodstve. 2013; 1: 75-84. (In Rus.)