Galyamina I.G., ,Almaev R.A.
Annotation. The article provides a brief description of the state of water supply in Russia (problems, solutions - targeted programs); analysis of the content of the federal project "Pure Water": the goal and indi-cators of improving the quality of drinking water, tasks for the use of promising technologies for water treatment in the modernization (construction) of water supply and water treatment systems. Considered are scientific and methodological support for the substantiation of the technology of purification and disinfection of natural waters with the achievement of target indicators of the quality of drinking water, recommendations for the inventory of centralized water supply systems, the development of regional programs and the selec-tion of objects of municipal districts of the subject of the Russian Federation. By the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the participation of the region in the implementation of the federal project is shown.
Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
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