Slavery and Dominion in the South Sea Armada, 1570s-1680s.


Walker TamaraORCID


A key outcome of Francis Drake’s incursion into the South Sea was the formation of the South Sea Armada, which was based out of the port of Callao in the Viceroyalty of Peru and whose primary purpose was to guard the transport of silver to Panama, where it would be transferred for trans-oceanic shipment. Yet the squadron faced immediate existential threats from within, as evidenced by the pattern of viceregal decrees targeting slaveholders who brought slaves on board for the ostensible purpose of serving as deckhands and pages, only to press them into personal service. This tension, between the demands of the maritime defense industry, on one hand, and slaveholders’ personal prerogatives, on the other, constitutes the primary focus of this article.


Universidad de Cartagena

Reference30 articles.

1. Archivo General de Indias (AGI), Patronato Real, 234, R.1, 1575, “Carta de los oficiales reales de Panamá, informando de las providencias dadas para resistir el avance de los ingleses coaligados con los negros cimarrones,” folios 1 recto(r) – 99 vuelto (v).

2. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, being his next voyage that to Nombre de Dios, formerly imprinted; Carefully collected out of the notes of Master Francis Fletcher Preacher in this imployment, and divers others his followers in the same. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1628.

3. López de Caravantes, Francisco. Tercera parte de la Noticia general de las Provincias del Pirú, Tierra Firme, y Chile que pertenece al Gobierno de la Guerra, siglo XVII. 1634.

4. Montesinos, Fernando de. Memorias antiguas i nuebas del Pirú, [Manuscrito]: dícense la introdución de la religión christiana en el Pirú, hechos memorables de los españoles, y sus guerras civiles; la ereción de la primera iglessia y de las demás con lo tocante a lo ecclesiástico...; los varones eminentes...; fundaciones de las ciudades, conventos y hospitales; entradas a los indios de guerra y todos los sucesos memorables, 1642.

5. Andrews, Kenneth R. Elizabethan Privateering: English Privateering during the Spanish War, 1585-1603. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964.







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