1. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi
The sudden change in the existing order due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused chaos and confusion. The uncertainty and anxiety caused by chaos and confusion necessitated the reconstruction of the social order in accordance with the pandemic conditions. Therefore, we should consider the sudden change of the social order and its reconstruction when evaluating the COVID-19 pandemic in a sociological context. Since these two processes are ethnomethodologically significant, the aim of the study is to interpret the social changes that occurred during the COVID-19 process within the framework of ethnomethodology theory. Various examples provide an ethnomethodological evaluation of Türkiye’s reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent re-establishment of social order. This article analyzes, using ethnomethodology concepts, the irrational reactions of people in a life without rules due to the sudden disruption of the existing order by COVID-19, the helplessness of social institutions in the face of the pandemic, and the reconstruction of social order with rational rules to lessen anxiety and chaos.
No financial support was received from any person or institution for the study.
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