Hayati Noorlaila,Niemeier Wolfgang,Maulida Putra,Bioresita Filsa,Nuryani Hesty Wahyu
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a radar technique to generate map of surface deformation using phase differences acquired at different times. The InSAR technique measures these phase differences in its line of sight (LOS). Regarding LOS projection to a ground coordinate system, the combination of SAR data from ascending and descending can estimate at least two dimensional fields which are vertical and east-west components and three dimensional fields with either an additional motion model or vector displacements from along-track direction. The purpose of this work is to generate 2D and 3D vector displacements from two different InSAR tracks (e.g. ascending and descending) with a calculation programme both for the mean velocity and time series data named as PS DISP. 2D mode is calculated in which the north-south component is neglected due to insensitive along the flight direction, thus, assuming to be zero (0). On the other hand, 3D mode is calculated with an assumption that the northsouth component moves along the elevation downward. The experimental results were conducted for the Puncak Pass and Puncak Highway landslides and the Lombok earthquake in Indonesia. For the landslide study, the computation generated the movement towards the slope surface in the 3D Cartesian coordinate (dU,dE, and dN (psuedo)) and found both the crown body and cumulative zone of the landslide. For the earthquake study, PS DISP decomposed 2D vectors (dU and dE). The area of earthquake rupture was lifted by 42 cm and other northern Lombok areas by 10 - 25 cm. Regarding the west-eastern motion, it shows that the west of northern Lombok was displaced ±5 cm toward the west direction, while the other side to the east direction.
Keywords: InSAR, 2D and 3D displacements, slope aspect, ground motion, landslide, earthquake
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience