Orientalism: From Expeditions to Colonialisation




1. Sakarya Universitesi


The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between orientalism and colonialism. More specifically, it analyses orientalism in its various ways before and during the nineteenth century to the present day, as well as its actual aims. For this purpose, the expeditions of some European orientalists, missionaries, and explorers are analysed and discussed. In addition to these expeditions, numerous writings and various viewpoints expressed by some authors in the social and human sciences are examined. The methodology used in the study is mainly based on critical literature sources. Overall, it appears that despite the attempts of some authors to challenge it, there is a direct and close link between orientalism, postcolonialism, and colonialism. Indeed, far from being a simple and innocent approach or discipline studying the relationship between the East and the West, orientalism served as a colonial ideology and prepare the ground to facilitate Europe's dominance over the rest of the world. Furthermore, the structure of international relations and the forms of relationship that certain European powers maintain with their former colonies reveal orientalist and neo-colonialist patterns.


Universal Journal of History and Culture


General Medicine

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