1. 1) H. Yabe: Problems concerning the Geotectonics of the Japanese Islands, Critical Reviews of Various Opinions expressed by Previous Authors on the Geotectonics. Sci. Rep. Tôhoku Imp. Univ. (Geol.) IV, 2 (1917).
2. H. Yabe: Further Notes on Richthofen's View concerning the Geotectonics of the Japanese Islands. Ibid., V, 1 (1918).
3. 2) E. Naumann: Ueber den Bau und Entstehung der Japanischen Inseln, 1885, p. 50.
4. 3) H. Yabe: Itoigawa-Shizuoka Line (in Japanese). Gendai no Kwagaku, VI, 3 (1918).
5. 4) Ferd. von Richthofen: Geomorphologische Studien aus Ostasien, V. Sitzb. k. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, XLIII, 1903, p. 907.