1. 1) The 73rd Communication on Sinomenine. We prefix those derivatives from morphine series with L and those from sinomenine with D, as the direction of rotation is reverted sometimes in them, although the absolute system of the both series is not yet known (K. Goto and I. Yamamoto: Proc. Japan Acad., 29, 457 (1953). Cf. K. W. Bentley and H. M. E. Cardwell: J. Chem. Soc., 1955, 3252).
2. 2) K. Goto, T. Arai, and T. Odera: Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 18, 116 (1943).
3. 3) K. Goto and I. Yamamoto: Proc. Japan Acad., 34, 60 (1958). Cf. A. H. Homeyer: J. Org. Chem., 21, 370 (1956).
4. 4) The scanty yield in the preparation of sinomenine methyl ether may be due to the one mol of crystal methanol, contained in the sinomeninone, but the use of crystal methanol free sinomeninone did not raise the yield much.
5. 5) C. Schöpf prepared (-)-L-1-bromosinomeninone by the action of caustic alkali on the tribrominated (-)-L-dihydrothebainone. But the debromination of this substance by the catalytic reduction leads always to the mixture of α- and β- dihydrosinomeninones, one of the ketone groups being reduced.