1. Department Of pediatrics №2, Federal state budgetary educational institution for higher education “Kuban state medical university” of the Ministry of health care of the Russian Federation.
Aim. The research was conducted to study the structure (variants, sexual and age characteristics) and manifestations of articular syndrome in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in Krasnodar.Materials and methods. There was conducted a retrospective analysis of 89 case histories in patients aged 2-15 diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis for the first time.Results. As a result of the study, the following variants of juvenile idiopathic arthritis were diagnosed: oligoarticular – in 62 patients (69,6%), polyarticular – in 24 patients (27%) and systemic – in 3 children (3,4%). Group 1 consisted of 62 patients with oligoarticular variant, and group 2 consisted of 24 patients with polyarticular variant. In the sexual aspect, there were 1,5 times more girls than boys among all the studied children. There are also a higher number of the females within the groups. The average age of the onset of the disease in all patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis was 8,9±0,4 years. In group 1, the average age was 9,6±0,5 years, in group 2 – 7,4±0,4 years. In children with oligoarticular variant of the disease, knee and ankle joints were more often involved in the process. In group 2, the pathological process involved both large joints and small joints of the hands and feet. Leukocytosis, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and positive results of immunological studies were more often detected among the children of the second group. On the radiographs, cartilage and bone changes were found in 9% of patients.Conclusion. Among the patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, the residents of Krasnodar, the oligoarticular variant dominates (69,7%), the polyarticular RF-negative variant is in second place (25,8%), the systemic variant is in third place (3,4%), and the polyarticular RF-positive variant is in last place (1,1%). In the sexual aspect, there were 1,5 times more girls than boys among all the patients. The onset of the joint syndrome mainly occurs in early school and puberty age. The articular syndrome was manifested mainly by the arthritis of the knee, ankle joints, and the polyarticular variant was also manifested by the arthritis of the wrist joints and small joints of the hands and feet. Among the patients, the signs of humoral activity and immune inflammation were more characteristic of the polyarticular variant. At the onset of disease, the changes of cartilaginous and bony tissues of the joints were identified by the radiography only in 9% of cases.
Kuban State Medical University