1. Kuban State Medical University; Territorial Hospital No. 3
2. Kuban State Medical University
Background. Middle ear neoplasm is a rare pathology accounting for about 0.7% total head and neck tumours. The article describes the clinical presentation, diagnostic methods and surgical treatment for neoplasms of mastoid process, a quite rare tumour localisation.Clinical Case Description. Patient G., 66 yo, was admitted to a otorhinolaryngological unit with a preliminary diagnosis of left mastoid neoplasm and complaints of non-transient headache on the left and slight hearing loss in both ears. The symptoms have been persisting since childhood. Laboratory tests without abnormalities. Voluminous invasive neoplasm of left temporal bone mastoid in CT. Left mastoidectomy with mastoid neoplasm resection was performed routinely, with a histological examination of surgical material. Benign angiofibroma in morbid histology. Definitive diagnosis: neoplasm of left mastoid. Relief from headache and overall improvement were reported by the patient in two months after surgery.Conclusion. Benign mastoid angiofibroma is a rare tumour in terms of localisation and morphology reluctant to diagnosis in an asymptomatic form. We suggest computed tomography as the main diagnostic and surgery — as main treatment method in this pathology. The disease has a life-favourable prognosis.
Kuban State Medical University