
Gumenyuk Sergey E.1,Gaivoronskaya Tatiana V.1,Gumenyuk Alexander S.1,Ushmarov Denis I.1,Isyanova Diana R.1


1. Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Aim. To study morphological changes in aseptic and purulent soft-tissue wounds using the developed models in animal experiments.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 70 white non-linear laboratory male rats aged 5 months and weighing 300–350 g. All the investigations were performed in accordance with ethical norms and documents regulating animal experiments. An experimental wound was simulated with the introduction of an implant into soft tissues using a layer-by-layer incision to the required depth. A sterile hydrophilic polymer implant was used for simulating an aseptic wound. A purulent wound was simulated using a porous polymer implant initially saturated with a suspension of a bacterial pathogen at a concentration of 10 5–10 12 microbial cells per 1 ml of suspension. The wounds were sutured layer by layer to form corresponding models. The implants was removed surgically on the 7th day. Statistical analysis of the study results was carried out by Windows 10 operating system using STATISTICA 6.1 (StatSoft Inc., USA) and Excel (Microsoft Offi ce 2010). The hypothesis of normal cumulative distribution in the samples was verifi ed via the Shapiro — Wilk and Kolmogorov — Smirnov tests. The signifi cance level threshold was set to p<0.05. Differences between quantitative parameters with a normal distribution were evaluated using the Student’s t-test, whereas independent samples were assessed via the non-parametric Mann — Whitney test. In all cases, differences were considered statistically signifi cant at p<0.05. The signifi cance level of the relationship between the two qualitative variables was verifi ed using the Pearson’s chi squared test (χ2 ). The study was approved at a meeting of the Independent Ethics Committee of the Kuban State Medical University (Minutes No. 63 of 21 May 2018).Results. The analysis of the obtained results has allowed optimal models for the formation of aseptic and purulent soft-tissue wounds in animal experiments to be selected.Conclusion. The proposed method of modeling aseptic and purulent wounds in animal experiments can be used in clinical and morphological studies of the wound process, as well as in assessing the effectiveness of various wound treatment methods. 


Kuban State Medical University


General Medicine

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