1. Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
The aim was to study the gender characteristics of the heart rate variability (HRV) in young people depending on physical loading (FL), associated with habitual physical activity (FA).Materials and methods. 98 practically healthy students of a medical high school with different levels of habitual FA were examined. HRV was studied at short 10-minute intervals at rest and after intense FL with the energy consumption of 72–88 kcal.Results. HRV changes are determined, which depend not only on the FL intensity and the training level of young people, but are also gender-associated. At rest, less pronounced sympathetic tone (LF/HF 0.86±0.04 versus 1.05±0.04, p<0.05) and the predominance of the central mechanisms of the heart rhythm over the autonomous ones (ID 75.3±5.7 versus 55.8±5.5 units, p<0.05) were observed for female respondets as compared to the young men. After intense FL, a more pronounced inhibition of the parasympathetic tone (pNN (50%) 5.4±1.2 vs. 10.2±1.9%, p<0.05) and a more pronounced functional intensity of adaptive reactions (ID 176.6±17.9 against 101.4±14.4 units, p<0.05) were noted for the female respondetns as well.Conclusion. Changes in HRV parameters, which reflect the beneficial effects of physical training on the adaptive responses of the cardiovascular system, have been found in young people with constant, habitually high FA. The application of the HRV research methodology for short periods in dynamics is justified in the practice of health-saving preventive and rehabilitation measures, since it allows the process of optimal adaptation of a person to physical loading to be controlled.Conflict of interest: the authors declare no conflict of interest.
Kuban State Medical University
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