1. Working papers of special project to decrease wide-scale disaster, 2006. (in Japanese)
2. G. A. Khoury and J. D. Gillet, “Airship Technology,” Cambridge University Press, 1999.
3. J. R. Azinheira, E. de Paiva, J. Ramos, S. S. Bueno, M. Bergerrnan, and S. B. V. Gomez, “Extended DynamicModel for Aurora Robotic Airship,” 14th AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Conf. and Exhibition, 2001.
4. P. Kungi, M. Schlenker, and B. Krplin, “Research and testing activities with the solar-powered airship LOTTE within the scope of the airship research group at the University of Stuttgart,” AIAA 14th Lighter Than Air Convention and Exhibition, 2001.
5. A. Turner, “Development of a semi-autonomous control system for the UVA solar airship AZTEC,” 3rd Int. Airship Convention and Exhibition, 2001.