1. Y. Honkawa, “Record: Casualties categolized by male/female and ages in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster,” http://www2.ttcn.ne.jp/honkawa/4363f.html [accessed Apr. 5, 2016]
2. Cabinet Office, “Disaster prevention white paper in 2014 fisical year,” 2014 (in Japanese).
3. Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “Report of the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake (the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster): 153threport,” 2016 (in Japanese).
4. Reconstruction Agency, “Number of disaster-related death in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster,” 2012 (Japanese).
5. Working group of disaster-related death, Reconstruction Agency, “Report of disaster-related death in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster,” 2016 (in Japanese).