1. Civil Engineering Section, Iwate Prefecture, “Records of Tsunami Disaster and Civil Engineering,” 261 pages,1936 (in Japanese).
2. S. Taneda, “Photographs in Report on the Chilean Tsunami,” Field Investigation Committee for Chilean Tsunami, 22p, 1961.
3. Hachinohe Port Worksite Office, Second Bureau of Port and Harbor, Ministry of Transport, “Data Collection of the Chilean Tsunami with Emphasis on Hachinohe Port,” 1961 (in Japanese).
4. Japan Meteorological Agency, “The Report on the Tsunami of the Chilean Earthquake, 1960,” JMA Technical report No.8, 123p, 1961 (in Japanese).
5. B. Kawamura and A. Mogi, “On the Deformation of the Sea Bottom in Some Harbors in the Sanriku Coast due to the Chili Tsunami,” Report on the Chilean Tsunami, Field Investigation Committee for Chilean Tsunami, pp. 57-66, 1961.