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3. Ö. Aydan, “Strong motions, ground liquefaction and slope instabilities caused by Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005 and their effects on settlements and buildings,” Bulletin of Engineering Geology. No. 23(15-34), 2006)
4. Ö. Aydan and M. Hamada, “Damage to Civil Engineering Structures by Oct. 8, 2005 Kashmir Earthquake and Recommendations for Recovery and Reconstruction,” Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.1, No.3 pp. 1-9, 2006.
5. Ö. Aydan and Y. Ohta, “The characteristics of ground motions in the neighbourhood of earthquake faults and their evaluation. Symposium on the Records and Issues of Recent Great Earthquakes in Japan and Overseas,” EEC-JSCE, Tokyo, pp. 114-120, 2006.