1. M. Watanabe, “Relationship between nature and people (Shizen Kankyo to Hitobito no Kakawari),” T. Uyama and T. Fujimoto (Eds.), “60 chapters to know about Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan wo Shiru tameno 60 syou),” Akashi Syoten, pp. 18-23, 2015 (in Japanese).
2. T. Uyama, “Eurasian State Kazakhstan (Eurasia Kokka Kazakhstan),” T. Uyama and T. Fujimoto (Eds.), “60 chapters to know about Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan wo Shiru tameno 60 syou),” Akashi Syoten, pp. 12-16, 2015 (in Japanese).
3. INDEPENDENT, The world’s worst radiation hotspot, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/the-worlds-worst-radiation-hotspot-1784502.html [accessed October 20, 2020]
4. T. Kassenova, “The lasting toll of Semipalatinsk’s nuclear testing,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September 28, 2009, https://thebulletin.org/2009/09/the-lasting-toll-of-semipalatinsks-nuclear-testing/ [accessed October 20, 2020]
5. ”Report of the Results Radiological Study of Semipalatinsk Region During the Period 25 May–15 July 1957,” Institute of Biophysics, 1957.