1. Tokyo Disaster Management Council, “Estimation of damage in the event of an earthquake directly hitting Tokyo,” (Announced on May 25, 2022). https://www.bousai.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/_res/projects/default_project/_page_/001/021/571/20220525/n/houkoku01.pdf [Accessed February 22, 2023]
2. Tokyo Disaster Management Council, “Estimation of damage in the event of an earthquake directly hitting Tokyo,” (Announced on April 18, 2012). https://www.bousai.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/_res/projects/default_project/_page_/001/000/401/assumption.part1-2-2.pdf [Accessed February 22, 2023]
3. National Disaster Management Council Tokyo Inland Earthquake Countermeasure Working Group, “Final report of the Tokyo Inland Earthquake Countermeasure Working Group, Assumption of Damage and Countermeasures for an Earthquake with a Vertical Root in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area (Final Report).” https://www.bousai.go.jp/jishin/syuto/taisaku_wg/pdf/syuto_wg_report.pdf [Accessed February 22, 2023]
4. The General Insurance Rating Organization of Japan, “Investigation of damage prediction methods in earthquake damage estimation for national and local governments (2021 survey).” https://www.giroj.or.jp/publication/earthquake_research/No37_0.pdf [Accessed February 22, 2023]
5. Cabinet Office, “Public Opinion Survey on Disaster Prevention,” January 10, 2023. https://survey.gov-online.go.jp/r04/r04-bousai/gairyaku.pdf [Accessed February 22, 2023]