Novel Method for Analyzing Flexible Locomotion Patterns of Animals by Using Polar Histogram


Naniwa Keisuke,Sugimoto Yasuhiro,Osuka Koichi,Aonuma Hitoshi, ,


In general, legged robots are designed to walk with a fixed rhythmic pattern. However, most animals can adapt their limb movements while walking. It is necessary to understand the mechanism of adaptability during locomotion when designing bio-inspired legged robots. In this paper, we propose an approach to analyze the flexible locomotion pattern of animals using a polar histogram. Field crickets were used to investigate variations in leg movement of insects depending on the environment. Crickets have a tripod gait; however, their leg movement changes depending on the texture of the ground. There was a significant difference between the leg movement when walking and when swimming. Our approach can explain how animals move their legs during locomotion. This study is useful for evaluating the movements of legged robots.


Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,General Computer Science

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