Development of Two-Sensation Feedback Device for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Users – Compensation of Effect of Temperature Change on Haptic Feedback –


Isobe Makuru,Ishii Chiharu, ,


In this study, a feedback device of force and temperature sensations for myoelectric prosthetic hand users was developed. When a prosthetic hand user grasps an object using the myoelectric prosthetic hand, the stiffness and temperature of the object are measured using sensors attached to the prosthetic hand, and force and temperature sensations are fed back to the upper arm of the user. From the experimental evaluation of the feedback device, the influence of temperature change on force sensations was confirmed. Therefore, to feed back the same force sensation to the user even if a temperature change has occurred, compensation functions were derived using the maximum likelihood method. On the basis of paired comparison, verification experiments were conducted, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the derived compensation functions.


Fuji Technology Press Ltd.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,General Computer Science

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