Overexpression of the Tomato Asc-1 Gene Mediates High Insensitivity to AAL Toxins and Fumonisin B1 in Tomato Hairy Roots and Confers Resistance to Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici in Nicotiana umbratica Plants


Brandwagt Bas F.,Kneppers Tarcies J. A.,Nijkamp H. John J.,Hille Jacques


The sphinganine-analog mycotoxins (SAMs) fumonisin B1 and AAL toxins are inhibitors of eukaryotic sphinganine N-acyltransferase in vitro. Treatment of eukaryotes with SAMs generally results in an accumulation of sphingoid base precursors and a depletion of complex sphingolipids. The asc,asc genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Nicotiana umbratica are sensitive to SAMs and host of the AAL toxin-producing fungus Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici. Codominant insensitivity to SAMs in tomato is mediated by the Asc-1 gene, and sensitivity is associated with a frame-shift mutation present in asc-1. We investigated the function of Asc-1 in mediating insensitivity to SAMs and resistance to the fungus by overexpression of asc-1 and Asc-1. In this study, it is shown that overexpression of these genes did not lead to visual symptoms in tomato hairy roots and N. umbratica plants. Overexpression of asc-1 did not influence the (in)sensitivity to SAMs. Overexpression of Asc-1 in SAM-sensitive hairy roots and N. umbratica plants, however, mediated a high insensitivity to SAMs and resistance to plant infection by Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici.


Scientific Societies


Agronomy and Crop Science,General Medicine,Physiology








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