1. AACC International. Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th Ed. Methods 08-01.01. Ash—Basic method. Approved April 13, 1961. Method 10-10.03. Optimized straight-dough bread-making method. Approved November 8, 1995. Method 46-30.01. Crude protein—Combustion method. Approved November 8, 1995. Method 54-10.01. Extensigraph method, general. Approved November 8, 1995. Method 54-21.02. Rheological behavior of flour by farinograph: Constant flour weight procedure. Approved November 8, 1995; revised January 6, 2011. Method 76-13.01. Total starch assay procedure (Megazyme amyloglucosidase/α-amylase method). Approved November 8, 1995; reapproved November 3, 1999. Available online only. AACCI: St. Paul, MN.
2. Sodium monitoring in commercially processed and restaurant foods