Comparison of mineral oil, insecticidal and biopesticide spraying regimes for reducing spread of three potato virus Y (PVY) strains in potato crops


MacKenzie Tyler Donald1,Nie Xianzhou2,Singh Mathuresh3


1. Agricultural Certification Services, Research, 1030 Lincoln Road, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B 8B7, , ;

2. agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 850 Lincoln Road, P.O. Box 20280, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B0E2, , ;

3. Agricultural Certification Services, 1030 Lincoln Road, Fredericton, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B 8B7, , ;


In-field management of potato virus Y (PVY) faces challenges by changing availability and environmental acceptability of chemical agents to control aphid vectors of the virus, and by proliferation of PVY strains with different symptomology and rates of spread. Over 2018-2020, foliar spray treatments were compared in field experiments in New Brunswick, Canada, to measure effectiveness at reducing spread of PVYO, PVYN:O and PVYNTN strains. Mineral oil, insecticide, combined oil and insecticide spray and a biopesticide (i.e., LifeGard® WG) were compared. Insecticide-only and mineral oil-only were not effective, though several combined oil and insecticide, and biopesticide treatments significantly reduced PVY spread. The biopesticide was proportionately more effective with recombinant PVYN:O and PVYNTN strains, possibly from exciting the plant’s hypersensitive resistance response only caused naturally in cv. Goldrush by PVYO. Pesticide residue analysis showed that mineral oil enhanced the retention of pyrethroid insecticide in the potato foliage longer than with insecticide applied alone, which may explain the beneficial synergistic effect of combined sprays for reducing PVY spread. Tuber yields were generally unchanged in chemical insecticide treatments but were slightly lower in biopesticide treatment. The cost per PVY protection was competitive across all effective treatments, including biopesticide, however, there was some revenue loss from lower yield with the biopesticide. This biopesticide is organic-certified, however, thus a small premium on price for organic production could offset this yield deficit.


Scientific Societies


Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science







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