RAPD Analysis Provides Insight into the Biology and Epidemiology of Uncinula necator


Délye C.,Laigret F.,Corio-Costet M.-F.


Ninety isolates of grape powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) from Europe (sixty-two) and India (twenty-eight) were collected. Ten of the sixty-two European isolates originated from mycelium overwintering in dormant buds (“flagshoots”). Mating types were determined, and genetic variation was assessed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Forty-one European isolates, including all “flagshoot” isolates, were mating type +, and twenty-one were mating type -. All Indian isolates were mating type -. Phenetic analysis based on 414 amplicons revealed three main groups. Most European isolates (53) clustered together. Nine flagshoot isolates clustered in a second distinct group. These isolates, which coexisted with other isolates in the field, may represent a genetically isolated biotype of U. necator. Indian isolates clustered into two groups. The first group (15 isolates) was a subgroup of the group containing European nonflagshoot isolates. The second group (12 isolates) was distinct from the other groups. These two groups of Indian isolates may represent genetically isolated populations with different climatic tolerances. A polymerase chain reaction primer pair, derived from a RAPD fragment specific to the Indian isolates, proved to be suitable for field studies.


Scientific Societies


Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science








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