Identification and Characterization of Polyamine Metabolism in Citrus in Response to ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Infection


Sun Qifang1,Hao Yingbin2,Liu Yongquan3,Cui Meng2,Zhang Gaowei2,Yu Wenjie2,Luo Liping4ORCID


1. State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Resources, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China

2. School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China

3. College of Life Sciences, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000, China

4. School of Food and Health, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China


Citrus Huanglongbing, one of the most devastating citrus diseases, is caused by ‘ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ ( CLas). Polyamines are aliphatic nitrogen-containing compounds that play important roles in disease resistance and are synthesized primarily by two pathways: an arginine decarboxylation pathway and an ornithine decarboxylation pathway. However, it is unclear whether polyamines play a role in the tolerance of citrus to infection by CLas and, if so, whether one or both of the core polyamine metabolic pathways are important. We used high-performance liquid chromatography and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry to detect the contents of nine polyamine metabolism-related compounds in six citrus cultivars with varying levels of tolerance to CLas. We also systematically detected the changes in polyamine metabolism-related compounds and H2O2 contents and compared the gene expression levels and the activities of enzymes involved in the polyamine metabolic pathway among healthy, asymptomatic, and symptomatic leaves of Newhall navel oranges infected with CLas. The tolerant and moderately tolerant varieties showed higher polyamine metabolism-related compound levels than those of susceptible varieties. Compared with the healthy group, the symptomatic group showed significantly increased contents of arginine, ornithine, γ-aminobutyric acid, and putrescine by approximately 180, 19, 1.5, and 0.2 times, respectively, and upregulated expression of biosynthetic genes. Arginase and ornithine decarboxylase enzyme activities were the highest in the symptomatic group, whereas arginine decarboxylase and agmatine deiminase enzyme activities were the highest in the asymptomatic group. The two polyamine biosynthetic pathways showed different trends with the increase of the CLas titer, indicating that polyamines were mainly synthesized through the arginine decarboxylase pathway in the asymptomatic leaves and were synthesized via the ornithine decarboxylase pathway in symptomatic leaves. These findings provide new insight into the changes in polyamine metabolism in citrus infected with CLas.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Research Project of State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology

Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology

Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation Project


Scientific Societies

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