Objective. To improve the results of diagnosis and treatment of local secondary peritonitis.
Materials and methods. In the Department of Surgery of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Hospital in the 2016 – 2022 yrs period 101 patients with secondary peritonitis were examined and treated.
Results. Such indices of the cytokines regulation, as the levels of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD11a+, CD162+, CD95+, CD16+, HLA-DR+, as well as of interleukins-2, 4, 6 have been differed in the investigated groups statistically significantly (p<0.001), demonstrating their high sensitivity in diagnosis and prognostication of the local secondary peritonitis development. Miniinvasive operative interventions were performed in 77 (76.2%) patients, and open operative interventions - in 24 (23.8%). In 46 (59.7%) patients laparoscopic sanation with draining of peritoneal abscess was done. The abdominal abscess draining, using catheter-stiletto, was performed under ultrasonographic investigation control in 31 (40.3) patients.
Conclusion. Application of such indices of the cytokines regulation, as the levels of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD11a+, CD162+, CD95+, CD16+, HLA-DR+, interleukins-2, 4, 6, have improved diagnosis of local secondary peritonitis significantly, promoted its early surgical treatment and priority of the miniinvasive technologies application, what reduced the average value of the stationary stay days and index of postoperative lethality down to 8.3%.