Türkiye’de Isparta ili yağ gülü yetiştirilen bazı alanlarında bitki paraziti nematodların belirlenmesi




1. ısparta uygulamalı bilimler üniversitesi


The study was carried out to investigate plant parasitic nematodes in oil rose growing areas in Isparta province in July-August 2022. Soil samples were collected from 4 districts and the study was carried out with 65 samples. Plant parasitic nematodes were extracted by the modified Baermenn funnel technique. A total of 12 genera of plant parasitic nematodes were determined in the study. These are Tylenchus spp., Aphelenchus spp., Pratylenchus spp., Ditylenchus spp., Dorylaimus spp., Paratylenchus spp., Longidorus spp., Xiphinema spp., Meloidogyne spp., Helicotylenchus spp., Tylenchorhynchus spp., and Merlinius spp. The Pratylenchus (52.3%), Paratylenchus (38.5%), and Helicotylenchus (41.5%) seemed to be the most prevailing genera. The least common genus is Meloidogyne (7.6%). Meloidogyne species were identified molecularly by using species-specific primers from second-stage juveniles. The 5 samples taken from cultivated oil rose fields were infected and detected with Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood, 1949. Densities of M. hapla varied between 60-480/100 g soil. This is the first report of M. hapla on oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) in Türkiye.




Plant Protection Bulletin


General Medicine

Reference51 articles.

1. Agrios G.N., 1997. Plant Pathology. 2nd Edition. Orlando Academic Press, 922 p.

2. Akgül H.C., Ökten M.E., 1997. Taxonomic studies on the Tylenchida (Nematoda) species at different soil structure and depth in rose oil (Rosa damescana Mill.) areas of Isparta province. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 21 (4), 269-273.

3. Akyazi F., Han H., Cetintas R., Felek A.F., 2012. First report of root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne arenaria and M. hapla (Nemata: Meloidogynidae) from pepino in Turkey. Nematologia Mediterranea, 40, 107-110.

4. Akyazi F., Joseph S., Felek A.F., Mekete T., 2017. Mitochondrial haplotype-based identification of root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne arenaria and Meloidogyne hapla, infecting kiwifruit in Turkey. Nematropica, 47 (1), 34-48.

5. Arıcı Ş.E., Karatağ N., Göze Özdemir F.G., Gül M., Şirikçi B.S., 2022. Isparta/Keçiborlu ilçesinde yağ gülü yetiştiriciliği, pestisit kullanımı hakkında üretici sorunları ve uygulama esasları. Türk Bilim ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 4 (1), 15-20 (with abstract English in Turkish).








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