Yüksekova Havzasında yabancı otlar üzerinde tespit edilen mikrofungus türleri





2. Dicle Üniversitesi


Studies on biological control for the sustainable management of weeds that exert serious ecological, economic, and human health problems are attracting increasing attention. Detection of potential biological control agents (pests, pathogens, etc.) on target weed species is the first step in the biological control program. This study aimed to determine the microfungi species found on noxious weed species in the Yüksekova basin situated in Hakkari province, Türkiye. Continued traditional agricultural practices, minimum or no use of pesticides and fertilizers, and better protection of natural flora/fauna compared to other parts of Türkiye were reasons for the selection of the basin in the current study. Field surveys were carried out in different periods during 2020 and 2021. A total of 101 microfungi species were recorded on 79 weed species belonging to 29 families in the basin. The most common fungi species in the basin were in genera Puccinia (29 species), Alternaria (18 species), Uromyces (14 species), and Curvularia (4 species). Weed hosts of the above-mentioned fungi species mostly belonged to Asteraceae (20 species), Fabaceae (7 species), Poaceae (7 species), and Lamiaceae (6 species) families. While 84 microfungi species were recorded on a single host, and the remaining 17 were found on more than one weed species. It has been observed that Puccinia cyani (Schleich.) Pass., Puccinia chondrillina Bub & Syd., and Uromyces polygoni-aviculariae (Pers.) P. Karsten significantly inhibited the growth and development of their host weed species (Centaurea spp., Chondrilla juncea L., and Polygonum aviculare L.) and were able to suppress the populations of the weeds in the fields. The results revealed that it would be beneficial to review the recorded pathogens in terms of biological activity and to carry out detailed field studies in the region.


Dicle Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü


Plant Protection Bulletin


General Medicine

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