1. World Health Organization (WHO); UNICEF; World Bank Group. Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development: A Framework for Helping Children Survive and Thrive to Transform Health and Human Potential. WHO; 2018. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/272603
2. World Health Organization (WHO). Standards for Improving Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Health Facilities. WHO; 2016. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241511216
3. World Health Organization (WHO). Standards for Improving the Quality of Care for Children and Young Adolescents in Health Facilities. WHO; 2018. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241565554
4. The Neonatal Integrative Developmental Care Model: Advanced Clinical Applications of the Seven Core Measures for Neuroprotective Family-centered Developmental Care
5. World Health Organization (WHO). Standards for Improving the Quality of Care for Small and Sick Newborns in Health Facilities. WHO; 2020. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240010765