Al-Ḥağğāğ b. Yūsuf and the Umayyad Qurʾān in Syrian Historiography


JUDD Steven C.1


1. Southern Connecticut State University


Résumé Titre : Al-Ḥağğāğ b. Yūsuf et le Coran omeyyade dans l’historiographie syrienne Les sources historiques évoquent al-Ḥağğāğ b. Yūsuf (m. 95/714) en tant que tyrannique gouverneur omeyyade de l’Iraq. Cependant, il a également joué un rôle important dans les efforts de ʿAbd al-Malik pour standardiser le Coran, ce qui complique la manière dont est brossé son portrait historique. Cet article examine comment les savants syriens, à commencer par Ibn ʿAsākir, firent face tant à la mauvaise réputation d’al-Ḥağğāğ qu’à son importance sur le plan religieux, dans le cadre de leurs efforts pour revendiquer la codification du texte coranique comme réalisation omeyyade. Abstract Al-Hağğāğ b. Yūsuf (d. 95/714) is remembered in the historical sources for his role as the tyrannical Umayyad governor of Iraq. However, he also played an important part in ʿAbd al-Malik’s effort to standardize the Qurʾān, which complicated his historical portrayal. This paper examines how Syrian scholars, beginning with Ibn ʿAsākir, confronted al-Hağğāğ’s simultaneous villainy and religious significance as part of their efforts to claim the codification of the Qurʾānic text as an Umayyad achievement.




General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,Ocean Engineering,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine

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