The Legal Framework on Hate Speech and the Internet Good Practices to Prevent and Counter the Spread of Illegal Hate Speech Online


Flick Caterina1


1. Università Internazionale Telematica UniNettuno, Roma, Italia


Hate speech includes all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred towards a person or group. The expansion of the Internet has marked an important change in the phenomenon, insofar as content is no longer mediated by editors. Hate speech based on ethnic, racial and religious hatred is recognized as a violation of the human rights set out by the European and international standards. This is not the case for sexist hate speech, although this difference is not justified by the data. The lack of a shared regulatory definition leads to shortcomings in, or even the complete absence of victim protection. Gender equality and freedom of expression are interconnected: enabling hate speech against women and girls to go unpunished limits women’s freedom of information and deprives society of their voices. The balance must be struck by finding the tools for free speech. An overview of such tools is the goal of this contribution.


Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari

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