Le abilità linguistiche degli adulti sordi segnanti: uno studio sulla comprensione e produzione elicitata di frasi interrogative in italiano


Cecchin Linda1


1. Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia


This study analyses the linguistic skills of a group of adult deaf signers in the production and comprehension of Italian wh-questions. Their performance was compared with that of a control group of hearing adults, matched on comparable chronological age. The asymmetries found in past studies are confirmed: subject questions are easier to produce and comprehend than object questions and who-questions are easier than which-questions. Deaf participants performed lower than the control group. This reveals that linguistic development in deaf people does not reach its final stages even in adulthood.


Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari

Reference30 articles.

1. in children’s processing of Italian relative clauses». Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 40,

2. Disambiguating Information and Memory Resources in Children’s Processing of Italian Relative Clauses

3. The acquisition of Italian: Morphosyntax and its interfaces in different modes of acquisition;Belletti, A.,2015

4. Learnability Constraints on Deaf Learners' Acquisition of English Wh -Questions

5. Valutazione delle abilità linguistiche e sintattiche di adolescenti sordi segnanti italiani: uno studio sull'uso delle frasi interrogative [tesi di laurea magistrale];Carbonara, R.,2017








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