La ironía y la parodia en las novelas cervantinas como respuesta al género picaresco


Rodríguez Álamo Francisco de Borja1


1. IES Pablo Neruda, Leganés, España


One of the main characteristics of Cervantes’s novel is irony, which appears perhaps in all his texts. Irony and parody are not exclusive to the Cervantine novel, even to the picaresque novel, although they make here one of their first great appearances in the genre of the novel. Which is crucial for the latter’s development and subsequent consolidation. Irony is a search for a new way of understanding literature. In the present work, an analysis of one of the positions that Cervantes adopts before the competition and stimulation that the morphological proposals of picaresque, from Lazarillo to Guzmán, through his novels, from the praise to freedom, is intended of the picaresque life of the illustrious mop; the moment in which Rincon and Cortado laugh at the devotion of the brotherhoods of Monipodio thinking that they would be saved from their crimes, or from the linguistic mistakes of the brothers; against the digressions of the Guzman in the mouth of Cipión, or the mere conversion of the rogues into dog-men, without forgetting the words of Ginés de Pasamonte about autobiography.


Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari

Reference53 articles.

1. Alemán, Mateo (1983), El Guzmán de Alfarache, Rico, Francisco (ed.), Madrid, Espasa Calpe.

2. Anónimo (1980), El Lazarillo de Tormes, Rico, Francisco (ed.), Madrid, Espasa Calpe.

3. Avalle Arce, Juan Bautista (1961), Deslindes Cervantinos, Edhigar, Madrid.

4. Avalle Arce, Juan Bautista (1964), ed., Miguel de Cervantes, Three Exemplary Novels, Dell Publishing Company, Nueva York.

5. Avalle Arce, Juan Bautista (1973), «Atribuciones y supercherías», en Avalle Arce y Riley [399-408].







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