

Coin Francesca1ORCID


1. Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia


In the United States, farm-workers are traditionally excluded from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and from the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) which guarantee basic rights to workers, including the right to organize and engage in collective bargaining. In a sense, farm-workers are confined to a secondary market characterized by substandard wages and labor conditions. This study explores how migrant farm-workers in North Carolina have responded to their labor conditions with a campaign that culminated in the achievement of the first labor contract for guest-workers in US history. Based on ethnographic research, it reflects upon the role of grassroots organizing in challenging a culture of racism that has remained dangerously alive in many parts of our society.


Edizioni Ca' Foscari

Reference332 articles.

1. Agricultural Adjustment Relief Plan. 1933. Hearings on H.R. 13991 before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. 72nd Congress, 2nd Session.

2. Ahn, C., Moore M., and Parker, N. 2004. “Migrant Farm-workers: America’s New Plantation Workers.” Backgrounder. 10 (2).

3. Amnesty International, 2009, Standing up for justice and dignity. Human rights defenders in Mexico, Amnesty International.

4. Andreas, P. 1998. “The Escalation of U.S. Immigration Control in the Post-NAFTA Era.” Political Science Quarterly. 113(4): 591-615.

5. Appleby, M. C., Cutler, N., Gazzard, J., Goddard, P., Milne, J., Morgan C., and Redfern, A. 2003. “What Price Cheap Food?” Humanities, Social Sciences and Law. 16 (4).







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