This research was carried out in order to reveal the perceptions of the students of the advertising program about the concept of creativity through metaphors. The study group of the research consists of first-year students who took the "creative thinking methods and techniques" course for the first time in the spring semester of 2019, in the Vocational School of Social Sciences, Advertising Program of Amasya University. The purpose of choosing the first year students of the advertising program is that the creativity is an important skill sought for their profession. The design of the research, which is a qualitative study, is phenomenology. Content analysis method was used in the analysis of the collected data. Students were asked to complete the given sentences “Creativity is like …. Because…”. Participating students were expected to produce a metaphor that revealed their perceptions of the concept of creativity. Of the 54 data collection tools, 50 were evaluated.
As a result of the research, the metaphors produced by the students of the advertising program about how they sense creativity were evaluated and grouped in seven different categories. Distribution of metaphors on the basis of categories; change/transformation (14), freedom (11), originality (8), exploring (6), eternity (5), uncertainty (4), hope (2). The metaphors most produced by students; sky (3), freedom (3), baby (3), bird (3). Research findings reveal that while students generally describe creativity with positive symbols, they mostly see it as a source of change/transformation, freedom and originality. It can be said that these results are guiding for creativity education.
Iletisim Kuram ve Arastirma Dergisi
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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