Evaluation of the Effectiveness of State Assistance Programs Implemented in the RA Agricultural Sector Through a Survey among Farmers and Experts




1. Armenian State University of Economics


The agricultural sector has always been in the centre of attention of the state policy and the government initiates a number of measures to increase effectiveness and productivity of this sector of the economy. However, these measures are not always effective, and a question often arises about the results obtained against public resources spent in this sphere. The given research aimed revealing the effectiveness of the state assistance programs implemented in the RA agricultural sector, for the purpose of which a survey of the main beneficiaries of the sector was developed. In particular, separate surveys were conducted among farmers (both for households and commercial organizations) and experts in the field of agriculture. The results of the surveys made it possible to identify the main shortcomings and advantages of state support programs, as well as opportunities for their improvement.


Messenger of Armenian State University of Economics, Armenian State University of Economics

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