Ձեռնարկատիրոջ կառավարչական հմտությունները որպես ձեռնարկատիրական գործունեության արդյունավետության վրա ներազդող կարևոր գործոն/Managerial Skills of an Entrepreneur as an Important Factor Influencing the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Activity




Diverse factors of the external environment and considerations of maintaining the competitiveness of the national economy and integrating into foreign markets have had a significant impact on the economy of the Republic of Armenia, leading to structural transformations of the economy. In the context of the mentioned structural transformations, entrepreneurship and its promotion have an important role as a premise of economic growth and development. At the same time, in pursue of the mentioned goals, both promoting entrepreneurship and ensuring the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity are of primary importance. Addressing issues of business efficiency in the Republic of Armenia is of key importance, as evidenced by significant differences between the indicators of start-ups and established enterprises. Based on a well-known fact in the professional literature according to which the skills of entrepreneurs have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial activity, the paper touches upon the skills of an entrepreneur as an important factor influencing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial activity


Messenger of Armenian State University of Economics, Armenian State University of Economics

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