Քրիստոնեությունը` մեր ազգային ողբերգության համատեքստում / CHRISTIANITY IN THE CONTEXT OF OUR NATIONAL TRAGEDY




In the professional literature, the nationalization of Christianity in Armenia is mainly considered from the point of view of the preservation of statehood and national identity, presented as a political and cultural achievement... Not denying the role of religion and the church in the preservation of national values, language and culture, and therefore national identity, especially in the absence of statehood, the author tries to establish that our national pantheon, which was consistent with our nature, had not exhausted itself at all, therefore, there was no need to eliminate it. There was alsono need to impose Christianity. Our ideal was the Armenian worshiping Vahagn, warlike, liberating and patriotic. It was he who was able to impose his Will on History, Time and Environment and created an empire spanning from the Mediterranean to the Caspian. The destruction of the National Cemetery, Temples and temple culture was directed against the Aryan Armenians. Christianity, according to the author, could only be the result of a foreign political conspiracy, the purpose of which was to end the dominance of the Aryan race in the region and push Armenians out of the region by cutting them off from their related peoples... Which was completely fulfilled.


Messenger of Armenian State University of Economics, Armenian State University of Economics

Reference25 articles.

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2. Զաքարյան Ս., Հայոց ինքնության քրիստոնեական հարացույցը (ձևավորման և կայացման փուլ), http://lib.ysu.am/disciplines_bk/88f0ed0db2f876b9e98d276050aa174a.pdf

3. Հոգևոր երգարան, ԱՀՔ եկեղեցի, երգ 342, http://www.ergaran.in/2016/01/342.html

4. Ագաթանգեղոս, Պատմություն հայոց, Եր., 1983:

5. Եղիշե, Վարդանի և հայոց պատերազմի մասին, Եր., 1969:








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